Quiz on Road Safety– Good Samaritan

At the site of an accident, a right and prompt help to the accident victim could save his/her life. It is found that citizens are unaware of what they should do when they see an accident.

We welcome you to take the quiz to update your knowledge as a Good Samaritan (Jeevan Doot) to save the life of an accident victim. Saving a life is the biggest charity.

After each quiz, you will get the correct answer and read an explanation to understand the importance of that quiz, and then you can go for the next quiz.

Take the quiz and get a certificate.

Share the certificate on social media, friends, so they know you are a Jeevan doot, Good Samaritan.

The quiz is developed by RADHEE Disaster and Education Foundation to achieve Mission Zero Death in the ambulance and post-accident.

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