
RADHEE Disaster and Education Foundation (hereinafter “RADHEE”, “we”, “us” or “our”) has made and will continue to make all efforts to include precise, accurate and regularly upgraded up-to-date information on its website radhee.com. and its web app “Self-Immunity Check” however, makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy or correctness of the information contained or referenced therein.

The content of the web app, “Self-Immunity Check” is the compilation of the references and advisories from Ministry of Health, Ayush Ministry, World Health Organisation, knowledge partners of RADHEE and a team comprising of subject matter experts at RADHEE.

All users by use of the site agree and accept that all access and use of the website radhee.com and / or any other website linked to radhee.com and the contents thereof shall be at their own risk. Neither RADHEE nor any other agency involved in creating, producing or hosting radhee.com or on any website linked to radhee.com or its web app shall be liable in any manner whatsoever for any direct, indirect, incidental, proximate or remote, consequential claims for damages arising out of the users access, use or inability to use radhee.com or any website linked to radhee.com, or any errors or omissions in the contents thereof.

The radhee.com is the website of RADHEE and the information contained and referenced therein is for informational purposes only. All text, graphics and artwork (information) appearing on radhee.com is the proprietary work of RADHEE and RADHEE is having proprietary right on such information. Any reproduction, retransmission or other use of the same is strictly prohibited. Similarly, is the case of its web app “Self-Immunity Check”.

RADHEE is not responsible if information made available on this website and on the web app is not accurate, complete or current. The material on this website and on the web app is provided for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions without consulting primary, more accurate, more complete or more timely sources of information. Any reliance on the material on this site is at your own risk.

The website may contain certain historical information. Historical information, necessarily, is not current and is provided for your reference only. RADHEE reserves the right to modify the contents of this site at any time, but we have no obligation to update any information on our site. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor changes to our site.

By using our website and/or by using the web app, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of information as described in this policy.

Privacy Statement

This policy outlines radhee.com steps for protecting the information you choose to share with it. Protecting users: privacy is of the greatest importance to the website. It is assured that the website will not in any manner disclose user’s personal information to anyone except in the circumstances as mentioned in the Privacy Policy of RADHEE. The information which user chooses to share shall be used only to provide personalized information and create a more useful experience for the user.

When permitted by the user the website may from time to time update the user by e-mail the new feature and additions to the site or the varied services offered on physical and mental health information as considered useful for the user.

The user may at any time discontinue the said update information through e-mails, which is to be addressed to info@radhee.org.

Types and Uses of Information Collected from You

The website, radhee.com collects a variety of information, including personal Information, from its users in several ways. The user can generally visit the site without revealing any personal information about himself / herself. At times, though the website may require detailed information about the user in order to process a request or to provide an appropriate response. The user has a choice as to whether or not to provide such data to radhee.com. The user, however, has to be cautious that if he/she elects not to share the necessary information, he/she may not be able to use some of the features on the site.

If the user chooses to share with the website any personal information, the website shall use all such information in strict adherence to the terms of this policy.

The site may use the contact information of the user to send to him/her information about RADHEE such as new introductions and improvements in the services offered or other information.

The user may at any time opt out of being contacted in the future and receiving information of this nature from the website.

Use of Your Information

RADHEE uses the personal information it collects from forms you fill out on our site or in our product and service registrations to:
• Allow users to access and use our services;
• Provide users with service on our site with information about other services offered;
• Improve our services by using statistical analysis and evaluation of user data.

Disclosure of Your Information

All reasonable care is taken by our staff in handling your personal information to ensure its security. We do not and will not disclose your private, personally identifiable information to any third party for any purpose unless (i) it is necessary for providing services to or you have authorized us to do so, (ii) we are legally required to do so, i.e. in compliance of regulatory requirement or in accordance to the court order or other legal / quasi legal process, and / or (iii) it is necessary to do so in order to protect and defend the rights or property of this website. We does not have any responsibility for any personal information which is generally available to the public


RADHEE uses browser cookies to facilitate your experience with our online services. These cookies are small sections of code that our server sends to your browser which it can then store on your hard drive. If you choose to accept these cookies, they enable us to recognize that your browser has previously visited and used our site and, based on your browser’s previous visits, assist us with tailoring the information and content, banners and promotions you view. These cookies do not collect, store or maintain your private, personally identifiable information. You do not have to accept these cookies to visit or use the site or our online services, and you can choose to refuse our cookie, delete our cookie from your hard drive or turn off the cookie at any time by updating your user profile preferences.

Changes to this Policy

RADHEE may revise these terms at any time by updating this posting. You should visit this page from time to time to review the then-current terms because they are binding on you. Certain provisions of these terms may be superseded by expressly designated legal notices or terms located on particular pages at this site.