Self-Immunity Check Application

Self-Immunity Check is a browser-based program that helps you self-assess your immunity. Through a series of questions on your mental and physical health, our algorithm provides you an assessment of your current immunity and personalized recommendations to help you strengthen and boost your immunity. Our program is entirely free to use, and we encourage everyone to get their assessments done. Except for the system, no one will be aware about the result and recommendations unless you share them with others.

Self-Immunity Check is a browser-based web application that helps you self-assess your immunity. Aarogya Setu is a downloadable app on your phone that uses Bluetooth based contact tracing to map likely hotspots and disseminate relevant information for COVID-19. They are both very different.

No, Self-Immunity Check is not a survey. It is a series of questions about your mental and physical health. Our algorithm analyses your responses and provides you with an assessment of your current immunity and recommendations to boost it.

RADHEE Disaster and Education Foundation have developed a Self-Immunity check. You can find more information here: https://radhee.org

The Self-Immunity Check is entirely free to use for anyone who wants to assess their immunity and strengthen it.

No, Self-Immunity check is an entirely social and not-for-profit project. We do not recommend any commercial or branded products; neither do we show any ads.

No, Self-Immunity Check is a wholly social and not-for-profit project. We do not charge for any services we provide and do not make any profit or commercial gains from this project. However, our project does incur costs and if you would like to support our work you can donate to us at https://radhee.org/join_us/donate.html

Your privacy is the utmost concern for us, and we ensure all steps to ensure that there are no breaches to it. We do not collect any identifiable information except your email address. We use it only to share your results, recommendations and newsletters that help you improve your immunity.
Further, no one has access to your data, not even us. Our system generates generalised analytics reports that have no association with your data as an individual.
Lastly, and more importantly, we have strict policies and do not share your data with any third party. All your data is entirely safe and confidential with us. You can read more about our privacy policy here: https://selfimmunitycheck.radhee.com/privacy_policy.php

The Self-Immunity check covers all three aspects of immunity – mental health, physical health, and diet. Our dietary recommendations include immunity booster drinks and salads.

No, you do not need to download any app or program to use Self-Immunity Check. It is a browser-based application that works on all devices and browsers. Simply visit https://selfimmunitycheck.radhee.com to do your free assessment.


Boosting your immunity is a lifelong process. Giving the right replies to questions will provide a set of personalized recommendations. You would start seeing improvements in a few days; however, it takes 6-12 weeks to strengthen immunity when you carefully follow the recommendations.

A strong immune system keeps you healthy and safe not only from COVID-19 but also from all other diseases. It would ensure you stay happy and healthy throughout your life.

Safety Measures During COVID-19 Pandemic

Yes, you must always wear a mask and follow all preventive measures as recommended by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and the State Health Department.

These include:

  • Avoid going out unless it is utmost necessary
  • Always wear a mask while stepping out of your home
  • Wear the mask correctly by covering nose, mouth and do not fiddle with it
  • Always maintain a physical distance of 6 feet from others
  • Wash your hands if you have touched any unknown or suspected surfaces

Working to boost your immunity is essential to fight COVID-19. But it is equally necessary that you do not come in contact with the virus as well.

Yes, you must always wear a mask and follow all preventive measures as recommended by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and the State Health Department.

These includes:

  • Avoid going out unless it is utmost necessary
  • Always wear a mask while stepping out of your home
  • Wear the mask correctly by covering nose, mouth and do not fiddle with it
  • Always maintain a physical distance of 6 feet from others
  • Wash your hands if you have touched any unknown or suspected surfaces

Having strong immunity is essential to fight COVID-19. But it is equally necessary that you do not come in contact with the virus as well.

Yes, you must always ensure safe physical distancing of 6 feet and follow all preventive measures as recommended by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, and the State Health Department.

Yes, you must always wash your hands after touching an unknown or contaminated surface that may have been touched by other people. Follow all preventive measures as recommended by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, and the State Health Department.

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Improving your immunity is a life-long process, and you should never stop working on it however if you follow our recommendations. Sincerely, you should notice a boost in your immunity within 6-12 weeks.


COVID-19 is caused by a Corona Virus named SARS-COV2. It is enveloped RNA virus. It is a moderately bigger virus.

COVID-19 may spread in the following ways

  1. From Respiratory secretions through Coughing, Sneezing, blowing nose, Spitting
  2. Fomite Transmissions through touching the contaminated surface like nose, mouth or eyes, shaking hands, hugging, bodily contact
  3. Droplets and Airborne: Can spread up to 2 meters by coughing, sneezing, and can remain airborne in AC rooms.
  4. During aerosol-generating procedures like intubation, nasal swab, Ryles tube, etc.

SYMPTOMS may include

  1. Fever
  2. Cough – dry mostly
  3. Sore throat
  4. Exhaustion
  5. Breathlessness
  6. Loss of Smell
  7. Headache
  8. Less frequently running nose, and diarrhea

SIGNS may include

  1. Temperature
  2. Increased Pulse rate
  3. Tachypnoea
  4. De-saturation
  5. Minimal lung signs on auscultation in the form of rales. (minimal compared to de-saturation)

On the basis of virus load patients can be categorized in below five categories

  1. Asymptomatic
  2. Mild symptomatic
  3. Moderate symptomatic
  4. Severe symptomatic
  5. Critical

Asymptomatic and mild patients don’t require any medication and can be at-home quarantine. While moderate symptomatic will require quarantine under supervision. Severe symptomatic and critical patients will require hospitalization.

Everyone is at risk of getting infected by the COVID-19 virus, however people with strong immunity are less susceptible to getting infected or will remain asymptomatic or moderate symptomatic. People with underlying medical conditions (like heart diseases, diabetes, lung disease, cancer, etc.) and if they are not taking care of themselves are at high risk.

  • The “incubation period” means the time between catching the virus and beginning to have symptoms of the disease.
  • Most estimates of the incubation period for COVID-19 range from 2-14 days
  • However, In many cases, the incubation period is observed to be around five days.